last update july, 10th, 2009


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Classements :
date of realisation
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Geographical classification


Olympias photo, athenian trireme reconstitution (1987)


Asia Minor

Ceramic from Turquey
Coins from Asia (Ist c. BC)
Coins from Asia (Ist c. AD)
Coins from Bithynia and Pont (Ist c. AD)
Coins from Cilicia (Ist c. AD)
Coins from Turquey
Model from Appolonia
Sculptures from Turquey
Ships from Dorak


Eastern Europe - Thrace

Bas-reliefs from the East of the Empire
Coins from Thrace (Ist c. AD)


Black Sea

Coins from Black Sea (Ist c. BC)
The Ptoleme II’s Isis



Coins from Alexandria (Ist c. BC)
Coins from Alexandria (Ist c. AD)
Early 3rd millenium
Engravings - 4th millenium
Graffiti from Alessandria
Illustrated knife from Al Azraq
Late 3rd - early 2nd millenium
Peoples of the Sea
The mns boat



Cylindrical sceals
Relief of IXth century
Sceals from Mesopotamia
Sculptures from Sumer



Bas-relief of Palmyr
Coins from Syria (Ist c. AD)
Coins from Syria (Ist c. BC)
Coins from uncertain origin
Model from Beth Maré
Syrian ships from Egypt



Coins from Arados (I-II c. AD)
Coins from Arados (Ist c. AD)
Coins from Arados (IV-I c. BC)
Coins from Arados (V-IV c. BC)
Coins from Berytus
Coins from Marathus (III c. BC)
Coins from Sidon (IIIrd c. AD)
Coins from Sidon (Ist c. AD)
Coins from Sidon (IV-I c. BC)
Coins from Sidon (V-IV c. BC)
Coins from Tripoli (II-III c. AD)
Coins from Tripoli (III c. BC. - Ier c. ap. J.-C.)
Coins from Tyr (II c. AD)
Coins from Tyr (II c. BC - Ist c. AD)
Model from Byblos
Model from Ugarit
Seal from Sidon.
The boat from Sidon



Coins from Carne (end III c. BC)
Coins from Dora
Coins from Judea (Ist c. AD)
Coins from Judea (Ist c. BC)
Grafitti di Palestina
Monoxyle pirogues



Bronze relief from Ida cave
Coins from Crete-Cyrenaic (Ist c. BC)
Crater from Cnossos
Minoan graffiti
Minoan models
Minoan sceals : curved symetrical ships
Minoan sceals : cycladic type
Minoan sceals : diverse types
Minoan sceals : rafts
Minoan sceals : schematic representations
Minoan sceals : ship with drift aileron
Minoan sceals : ship-bird
Minoan sceals : symetrical angular ship
Minoan writing signs
Model from Fortetsa
Model from Palaikastro
Paints on a Sarcophagus from Hagia Triada
Scenery on minoan potteries
The disc from Phaistos
Vase from Khaniale Tekke



Graffiti from Cyprus
Graffito from Kition (Cyprus)
Models from Cyprus
Mycenian paints from Cyprus
Rython from Cyprus
Sceal from Cyprus


Coins from Rhodes (Ist c. AD)






Bottians Coins (II c. BC)
Brooches from Beotia
Coins from Greece (Ist c. AD)
Coins from Greece (Ist c. BC)
Coins from Macedonia (Ist c. BC)
Drawing from Orchomene
Graffiti from Dramesi (Beotia)
Greec steles
Mycenian models
Paints on vases and sarcophagus
Pyxis from Tragana
The bireme of Toronto


Arcesilas dish
Ceramic from Peloponnese
Firedog from Argos
Model from Sparte



"X-rays" sight
Attic ceramics with ships on the sides
Attic grafitto on a tile
Crater from New York
Dières on attic dinoi
Dionysian tanks
Evolution to realism
Greek intaglio
Model from Ampharaion
Monères on attic craters
Monères on attic dinoi
Monères on attic dishes
Monères on various attic ceramics
Oil lamp from Athens
Peintures proto-Attiques from Athens
Schematization tendancy
The Athena painter vase
The Athenian golden ship
The bireme apparition
The classical attic pentecontores
The Dipylon group : sight in profile
The Dipylon group with tolet
The Dipylon group without tolet
The oenoché from Copenhagen
The pseudo-dière from British Museum
The skyphos from Eleusis


Egean islands

Engravings from Naxos
Grafitti from Delos
Lead models from Naxos
Mycenian vase from Skyros
Ships from Akrotiri (Thera)
The Syros type


Great Greece

Geometrical Crater from Ischia


Coins from Sicily (Ist c. BC)
Crater from Megara Hyblaea



Coins from Italy (Ist c. BC)
Italian documents
Italian graffiti and sculptures
Paints from Sirmione


Etruscan beetles
Etruscan miror
The vase "François" (Chiusi)


Bas-reliefs from Pompei
Graffiti from Pompei
Paints from Herculanum
Paints from Pompei
Sculptures from Pouzzoles



Dishes from Cales (250-180 BC)
Mosaic and bas-relief from Preneste
Mosaics from Ostie
Paints from Ostie
Sarcophagus from Ostia
Sculptures from Osti


Antoine’s coins (Ist c. AD)
Coins of Late Empire
Coins of the end of the Republic
Diocletian and Maximian’ coins
Documents of unknown origin
Hadrian Coins
Italian sculptures (II-III AD)
Roman coins (IVth-IInd century)
Roman graffiti and sculptures
Roman marine origine
Sculptures from Rome
The Trajan Column


Western Europe



Coins from Gaul (Ist c. BC)
Oil lamps
Orange arch


Boats on "intailles"
Model from St Aldegund
Relief from Neumagen


Coins from Betica (Ist c. AD)
Coins from Tarraco (Ist c. AD)
Coins of Sextus Pompee
Relief from Medicaneli collection

Great Brittain

Mosaic from England



Grafitti from Africa
Mosaics form Utica
Mosaics from Carthage
Mosaics from Dougga
Mosaics from El Alia
Mosaics from Sousse
Mosaics from Themetra
Mosaics from Tunisia
Sculptures from Africa


Coins from Mauretania (Ist c. BC)



Each illustration comprise explication, datation, localisation, bibliographical source, the reference in the book : L. Basch, Le musée imaginaire de la marine antique, Athènes, 1987.


Site made by Francis Lévêque

and Web links
Classements : chronological geographical thematic date of realisation your preferences